ECONET Holdings
ECONET is a global corporate network with the finest expertise in all areas of the natural product wellness
industry covering raw material planting and harvesting, research and development, manufacturing and
production, and retail sales and distribution. ALOECORP plants and harvests; UNIGEN leads scientific research; NATURETECH manufactures quality products; and UNIVERA distributes those products to consumers. ECONET HOLDINGS is the investment and holding company of ECONET, a global network consisting of these subsidiary companies. As of the end of 2022, ECONET has fourteen corporate operations in six countries.
industry covering raw material planting and harvesting, research and development, manufacturing and
production, and retail sales and distribution. ALOECORP plants and harvests; UNIGEN leads scientific research; NATURETECH manufactures quality products; and UNIVERA distributes those products to consumers. ECONET HOLDINGS is the investment and holding company of ECONET, a global network consisting of these subsidiary companies. As of the end of 2022, ECONET has fourteen corporate operations in six countries.